An Evening With

An Evening With...

It is a privilege to offer a series of "Up-Close and Personal" nights at our family run studio based in Elland (West Yorkshire)

Our intention is to host the "best in their field" Professional Photographers, Flim Makers, and YouTube Content Creators.

No fuss, no glitz, no annoying advertising or any other way of relieving you of your hard-earned cash on the night either. These nights are just intended to offer you an insight into how the guest speaker goes about doing what they do!

It's all about how, why, when and where. The equipment they use and the stories behind the pictures.

The best in their field

Guest speakers will be one of the best in their field. Whether its Landscape or Portraiture themed, whether they're a YouTube Content Creator or Film Maker. In fact, it's anything and everything Photography orientated.

About the Night

Each Guest speaker will generally offer a slideshow and a full discussion about how they took the images and what equipment they used in order to achieve them.

Advice is generally offered on lens's, camera's and equipment, and sometimes they offer live demonstrations. Advice on Post-production, workflow and related tips can also be given.

Q&A time is a must! this is your opportunity to ask our guest speaker all your related questions. This is where the night really gets "Up-close and Personal"

Our Studio

We are a family run studio based in Elland, West Yorkshire. It's a large space but small enough to offer that up-close and personal feel!

Ticket numbers are limited to 100  which ensures that everyone at the event experiences that "close quarters" feel to the guest speaker.

Events planned...

Adam (First Man Photography)
Tue 19th February 2019 (19:30 - 22:00) Doors open 19:00






Photography Training Yorkshire ©Shoot Smart 2025 (All Rights Reserved)