Photoshop Workshop
1/2 or 1 Day Photoshop Workshop
BOOKED on a one-2-one or one-2-two basis
Optimise your photos, Speed up your workflow & Learn to use PS's array of automation. Plus how to get the best out of Plug-ins
Due to the diverse skill levels of past attendees, and to make it fair to everyone, we have decided to teach Photoshop on a 1-2-1 (or 1-2-2) basis. CLICK for more info
Learn how to...
• Learn my tried and tested Workflow - change hours to minutes!
• Basic to intermediate image manipulation
• Learn to optimise images
• Learn to create and use "Actions" to speed up workflow
• Work on multi images at once
• Introduction to the Plug-ins I use daily
(These will change the way you work in PS forever)
• Learn to manipulate PS's automation
• This lesson can be used with PS Elements too
• £199 (Half Day) £299 Full Day
Mission Statement:
Speed up your workflow - Get to grips with the automation in PS!
My aim is simple – I'll teach you all the essentials I use as a working pro every day. I won‘t teach you every tool because it's pointless. What is important that never gets taught is Photoshop‘s array of automation!
Do you know for instance you can speed up your workflow by working on up to 50 images at once?
Learn to manipulate images quickly and efficiently. Learn to clean up images; learn to bring your images to life! Learn to sharpen images, brighten images, boost colours, learn how to make selections painlessly and everything else required to present your work for sale.
Did you know most of the above can be automated?
"Practical 'hands on' shooting - not sitting in a classroom learning theory"
General Course Outline
Optimise your photos, Speed up your workflow & Learn to use Plug-ins
This course is like no other!
Speed up your workflow - Get to grips with the automation in PS!
My aim is simple – I'll teach you all the essentials I use as a working pro every day. I won‘t teach you every tool because it's pointless. What is important that never gets taught is Photoshop‘s array of automation!
Do you know for instance you can speed up your workflow by working on up to 50 images at once?
Learn to manipulate images quickly and efficiently, clean up images; bring your images to life! Also how to sharpen, brighten and boost colours, learn how to make selections painlessly and everything else required in presenting your work for sale;
Did you know most of the above can be automated?
Secret stuff
I will introduce you to the plug-ins I use daily. Did you know for instance you can smooth skin by one click of a button? (NOT PORTRAIT PROFESSIONAL).
Make your images jump off the page and come to life, also with one click of a button! Create dramatic sky's, buildings, and even make clothes like wedding dress‘s come to life, and guess what, all with one click of a button!
I teach PS but this course applies to PS Elements too
Designed for all levels
All attendees comment on how this course WILL change their way of working forever
The Vorderman Theory!
I know what your thinking, what on earth...
I have a theory; why are we taught the lengthy way to solve maths questions like long division etc. when Carol Vorderman can solve the same puzzle in seconds. Why on earth aren't we taught her way?
Well as bold as it may seem, this is the theory behind my teaching. Read PS magazines and sign up to on-line training websites and you will be taught the same old way to manipulate your images. I break the mould. Skin smoothing is a great example of this. I can produce a natural looking sell-able skin-smoothed image with just one click of a button! 10 seconds is all it takes. You cannot produce better results no matter how long you work on the image in the traditional way.
Add drama to images - you'll be blown away at how you can bring dull images to life, again with a single click of a button.
You'll be amazed - guaranteed!
100% money back guarantee if you’re not totally satisfied - I know you will be!
Pen & Paper (Provided) - This is a practical lesson - you simply make notes!.
CLICK for more info