Off Camera Flash for Beginners
CREATIVE FLASH TUTORIAL cheap flashes inc Photoshop workflow
A guide to Off Camera Flash
In this video, I'm calling CREATIVE FLASH TUTORIAL I create a "how-to" guide on how to use your flashes creatively. Cheap versus expensive and I include a Photoshop tutorial too.
Off Camera Flash is easy to setup
I created this video two days ago at Lytham St Annes. After photographing a local boat wreck that afternoon, I decided to stay until sunset to photograph a different boat using Off-Camera Flash. In case you didn't know, the term "Off Camera Flash" is when your flash's (Speedlite's) are used to light up a subject when the flashes are set up away from your camera. Lighting a subject up from an angle allows for a more creative style of lighting than when the flash is simply attached to your camera's hotshoe.
Off Camera lighting even better in Black & White
How to set up Off Camera Flash for beginners
During the filming of the above video, a family walked onto the beach. I approached them and asked if I could take their picture. I wanted to add it the video just so people can see the difference lighting makes on a familiar subject.
They were a lovely family. Before you ask yes I did send them the high res images and were very grateful. Thanks to these guys again.
Also whilst making the video, the farmer came to reclaim his tractor from us. He was a very nice man and he also happily posed for a picture or two 🙂
It turned out to be an excellent sunset and a very eventful vlog too. Remember, the principle of setting your camera and flashes up is the same irrespective of your subject.
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