Landscape Photography with Budget Gear >>Part 3<<

Landscape Photography with Budget Gear

Landscape Photography with Budget Gear

I'm in Spain

In this series of videos I aim to prove that you can use entry level Photographic equipment to take stunning pictures.

My equipment cost £150 all-in

I bought an entry level Nikon Camera (D5000) and a cheap but sturdy Tripod (Jessops) from Ebay, just to prove that you don't need extortionately priced camera gear to take great pictures.

This is part 2. I'm not entirely sure at the moment just how many I'll do, I suppose that'll just depend on how well they're received. I've scheduled 2 months for the project though!


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Landscape Photography with Budget Gear

Landscape Photography with Budget Gear

£150 for cheap gear and still take brilliant pictures, how can this be true?
As we all know camera technology has come on a long way in the past 10 years or so. File sizes are getting bigger, noise levels have been dramatically reduced and most cameras have the ability to record in RAW. More and more camera users are beginning to understand their cameras settings. I even see more photographers using their cameras "manual" settings too, brilliant!

But the most important thing... and the sole reason for me starting the "It's not about the gear" series is this... POST PRODUCTION! As Photoshop is now priced sensibly, there are more photographers working their pictures to the bone! I'm not complaining by the way - I'm all for it. With the advent of NIK Software now being offered for FREE as well, this is also helping photographers to achieve unbelievable results from even the dullest of pictures.

We're now able to manipulate pictures better than ever, add fancy effects easier than ever, convert to black and white in a heart beat and on top of all of that print bigger and cheaper too.

Landscape Photography It's not about the gear

During my teachings, I see students every week with all sorts of camera makes and models. but after each student has taken the same picture and post processed their images, its pretty hard to distinguish the difference between a picture taken with a Canon MK IV and a Nikon D5000 for instance.  I'm talking about every day landscape pictures of course, I'm not talking about images taken in extreme conditions for example 4000-plus ISO under poor lighting etc.

If you see what I see week-on-week I can guarantee you'd be amazed too.

So in conclusion, it's my belief that by the time you've taken a decent picture with an entry level camera, post processed it and maybe added an effect or two, the images are just as likely to look as good as the same picture taken on a high end camera "and I'm here to prove it!"

Landscape Photography with Budget Gear

I'm taking this challenge seriously - over the next 6 weeks I have already targeted another 8 locations to put my theory to the test. These locations include more UK destinations as well as a trip to Spain and even another trip to my favorite place on earth, the Isle of Skye.

Landscape Photography with Budget Gear

All photographs shown were shot using...

Nikon D5000 (entry level DSLR)
I bought this second hand on Ebay
Tripod by Jessops (Entry level but very sturdy)
again, I bought this second hand on Ebay
Combined they cost me £150
I will at some point add a cheap set of ND filters too.

More about me:
More about: Photography Training
More about: Photography Training Isle of Skye

Presented By: Gary Gough
Music: Spring In My Step - Silent Partner

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It's not about the gear episodes: CLICK
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Location: Ronda (Spain)

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It's not about the gear episodes: CLICK
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  1. Interesting

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